Saturday, March 2, 2013

YouVersion Plan- You Are Never Alone by Joyce Meyer

Grief and loneliness are major problems facing people today. The two often go together because many Christians and unbelievers grieve over being lonely. In my ministry, an increasing number of people request prayer for loneliness.

God's Word tells us plainly that we are not alone. He wants to deliver, comfort and heal us. But when you encounter painful losses in your life, you can lose sight of this simple truth.

Satan wants you to believe you are alone. He wants you to believe that no one understands how you feel, but his claims are false. In addition to God being with you, many believers understand what you are experiencing mentally and emotionally.

You are not alone now nor will you ever be, no matter what confronts you.

You may not understand much when you are hurting and the pain of loss is ripping through your soul, but know and hold on to this one truth: God loves you, and He has a future for you. Hope in Him and trust Him to turn your mourning into joy (see Isaiah 61:1-3).

Prayer Starter: God, I can't always see through my grief and loneliness, but I know that You never leave me. Help me to remember that You are near, and guide me to other believers who I can join with to fight off the enemy's attacks.

My Thoughts:
For the longest time, I kept myself away from others. Being around people made me feel uneasy, so I felt it was best that I be alone. The problem with that, is that I was alone with my thoughts & my mind was a constant battlefield. I allowed depression & suicidal thoughts to take hold of my spirit & soaked in self pity. I prayed for strength, guidance & the confidence to be around others. It was around this time, that this scripture was revealed to me:

2 Timothy 1:7 GWT

God didn’t give us a cowardly spirit but a spirit of power, love, and good judgment.

It took baby steps, but with His help I finally pulled myself out of that hole. I became more involved with my church family, & He still continues to bless me by surrounding me with encouraging people. Its great to have those around you,who have the same goal in mind, which is to know more about God & live a life that is pleasing to Him. Getting & keeping you alone,is just one of the many tricks the enemy has. Back then, I wasn't as strong in Christ as I am now. It was easy for him to get into my head & manipulate my thoughts, then kick me when I was down. But praise be to God, I have never been back to that place again. :)

Till next time!!

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